About Anglia - Search Results  

Your search for produced 12 matches ...

 1  EALCC - East Anglian Librarians Consultative Committee
The EALCC comprises the Eastern Branch of the Library Association, the Eastern Division of the Career Development Group and representatives from the local branches of the Information Services, Local Studies, Public Libraries, Youth Libraries, and Higher Education Groups of the Library Association.
     URL : www.ealcc.org.uk

 2  Cambridgeshire Genealogy
Welcome to the Cambridgeshire England GenWeb Project. This website is part of the British Isles GenWeb Project and is provided as a resource for individuals researching their English ancestors who originated in this county.
     URL : www.rootsweb.com/~engcam/indexpg.htm

 3  Co-East
Co-East is a consortium of six library authorities who are working together to network 181 libraries across Eastern England.
     URL : www.co-east.net

 4  381st Bombardment Group Memorial Association
Official web site of the 381st Bombardment Group (Heavy) Memorial Association, Inc
     URL : www.381st.org

 5  Suffolk Churches
An alternative guide to the Churches of Suffolk.
     URL : www.suffolkchurches.co.uk

 6  East Anglia Net
East Anglia Net, Bygones is a collection of historical articles and Willagesby is a light hearted look at life in a Norfolk Village in the 1950's.
     URL : www.ean.co.uk

 7  Suffolk Genealogy
Suffolk, an English COUNTY 47 miles in length and 30 miles in breadth, bounded on the West by Cambridgeshire,on the North by Norfolk, on the South by Essex and on the East by the German Ocean.
     URL : www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/SFK

 8  Postwatch - Consumer watchdog
Postwatch East of England is the consumer watchdog for postal services in the UK. We campaign for a better overall postal service for customers, advising Government, the Regulator and Consignia on consumer views, demands and needs. We also get involved in issues such as the closure of specific post offices, problems on a local delivery round and trials of new products or services in an area. On an individual level, we can help with complaints about the postal service. Anyone who has already complained to Consignia and have received an unsatisfactory response, or need help in formulating a complaint, for whatever reason, Postwatch is here to help take cases further.
     URL : www.postwatch.co.uk

 9  peterspage & petersassortment
Archaeology of Kedington Suffolk and Wildlife info
     URL : www.smitheram.co.uk

 10  CILIP: East of England Branch
This is the web site for the East of England (EoE) Branch of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). This website includes information about activities in the region, including Information Services, Local Studies, Public Libraries, Youth Libraries and Higher Education Groups of CILIP. It also covers the Cambridge Library Group and East Anglia Online User group.
     URL : www.cilipeoe.org.uk

 11  East Anglian Archaeology
A series of Reports on the Archaeology of an English Region covering Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgshire and Essex
     URL : www.eaareports.org.uk

 12  EssexSites -The Website Directory for Essex
The most straightforward way for Essex households to find useful websites
     URL : www.essexsites.co.uk
